ReconInsight’s Business Analytics Foundations

Welcome to our 5-part Foundation Series - a collection of articles that provide a comprehensive overview for how to start business analytics at your organization.

This series presents business analytics through a mixture of strategic and technical advice. It is perfect for data-curious organizations looking for an all-in-one resource on how to start a successful business analytics program at their company. There is also a focus on using business analytics at smaller businesses and how to meet business analytics needs with existing staff.

Each part is listed below in order of publication. It is the culmination of several months of careful research and planning. We have detailed important analytics concepts such as the data pipeline, data culture, and data team. While each post can stand on its own, we recommend reading the series in its entirety and in order. We hope you enjoy.

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#1 13 tips for starting business analytics at your company

14 MIN READ - A guide for building a business analytics program at your company. We created this guide using our experience with customer projects and the development of our own analytics software. It includes a healthy mix of strategic and technical advice. The following posts in the Foundations series build on concepts introduced in this guide.

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#2 What is a data pipeline? Business benefits and technologies

10 MIN READ - The data pipeline is an important piece of business analytics and it has numerous business benefits outside of analytics.


#3 Building data culture at small(er) businesses

8 MIN READ - Becoming a data-driven business starts with data culture. This article presents 6 building blocks of data culture and steps you can take at your business.


#4 Strategic reporting best practices for business analytics

8 MIN READ - A repeatable, 3-step process for ensuring your analytics efforts provide value to your business through strategic reporting.


#5 How to structure a powerful data team at smaller businesses

5 MIN READ - The final part illustrates a practical framework for your organization’s data team that will execute on business analytics initiatives.

Additional Reading Recommendations

If you are hungry for more, check out “Business Analytics Reading Recommendations” which shares our favorite blog posts and articles we found while researching this series. You can also check out our blog to see our latest analytics articles.

About ReconInsighT

ReconInsight is a business analytics software and services company. Our mission is to ensure that businesses can take control of their business data to make informed decisions and strategic shifts about how their business is run. 

We provide the software, services and education to achieve success in your business analytics program. If you would like to learn more about ReconInsight, check out our code of excellence and this letter from our founders.

We offer a complimentary business analytics consultation if you’d like to chat further!