ReconInsight partners with WTA and CommSoft on latest webinar

Yesterday our co-founder, Chris Reitter, gave a joint presentation with our partner, CommSoft, on the latest Western Telephone Alliance (WTA) webinar. Chris spoke with CommSoft’s VP of Operations, Melissa Frenyea, on Using Analytics to Provide the Ideal Customer Journey.

Understanding the holistic set of interactions that impacts your customers is a powerful way for you to determine how to understand their needs and point of view as they interact with your company.  Beyond customer focus groups and mapping exercises, where can you get information that helps you understand the customer journey? 

During their presentation, Chris and Melissa shared ways to use analytics to identify challenges and capitalize on opportunities to optimize your customer journey for increased conversions.

Let us know if you’d be interested in learning more about this in future blog content!


WTA is a national trade association that represents more than 340 small, rural telecommunications carriers providing voice, broadband and video-related services in the United States. WTA’s primary goals are to provide advocacy and educational opportunities for its members. This is ReconInsight’s second time presenting on a WTA webinar, Chris was also a webinar speaker last fall.