ReconInsight News

ReconInsight Guides WTA on New Webinar

ReconInsight Principal Chris Reitter gave a webinar to the Western Telephone Alliance (WTA) on the topic of telecommunications data analytics trends entering 2019. 

WTA is a national trade association that represents more than 340 small, rural telecommunications carriers providing voice, broadband and video-related services in the United States. WTA’s primary goals are to provide advocacy and educational opportunities for its members.

The Lively Merchant chooses Ri360

The Lively Merchant has chosen an Ri360 integration to organize and analyze the vast data stored in their e-commerce platforms. Understanding Google Analytics, sales, and client tickets across hundreds of e-commerce online stores was nearly impossible.

A custom Ri360 integration now organizes disparate information on a nightly basis, allowing The Lively Merchant to optimize their customers’ experiences and improve overall profitability.