ReconInsight Releases Ri360 Version 3.4 (September 2020)


ReconInsight has released the September 2020 software update to its flagship business analytics software Ri360. Ri360 version 3.4 contains updates for all end users and specific functionality for on-premise companies.


  1. New integrations - Smartsheet, Google Sheets, QuickBooks, Google Firebase

  2. Dashboards and datasheets - recent activity view

  3. Dashboards and datasheets - redesigned toolbars

  4. Smart filter processing

  5. Single sign-on (SSO) authentication

  6. Brand new user management

  7. Brand new job management

Updates for End Users

Ri360 end users will appreciate the following software updates.

#1 New Integrations - Smartsheet, Google Sheets, QuickBooks, Google Firebase

Ri360 has four new integrations to popular software applications and databases.

  • Smartsheet - Empower your organization to dynamically plan, execute, and report on work to move faster, drive innovation, and achieve more.

  • Google Sheets - Create, edit, collaborate in real time.

  • QuickBooks - Organize and Management your business. Accounting software. Learn more about this integration on our Quickbooks reporting integration page.

  • Google Firebase - NoSQL database. Firebase is Google's mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.


Have Questions?

Reach out if you’d like to discuss more, have some 1:1 training with one of our consultants, or learn how you can take advantage of new features like Pages.


#2 Dashboards and Datasheets - Recent Activity View

Dashboards and datasheets now log and share recent activity. Users can see who opens the dashboard or datasheet and when modifications were are made.


#3 Dashboard and Datasheets - Redesigned Toolbars

Users will notice a new look for the dashboard and datasheet user interface. The toolbar has been modernized and given a fresh coat of paint. Users should find the buttons and toolbar layout more intuitive.


#4 Smart Filter Processing

We typically do not highlight Ri360 speed improvements because we continually improve speed. But we have implemented a major filter processing speed improvement. Some times dashboards are not updated early in the morning. This enhancement improves that experience.


Updates for On-Premise Customers

Ri360 version 3.4 is a major update for customers that have installed Ri360 on-premise. These updates improve the Ri360 application management capabilities and deliver a single sign-on capability.

#5 Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication

Ri360 version 3.4 streamlines your security operations by directly integrating with Windows Active Directory server. SSO is paramount for on-premise clients that have multiple computer systems installed locally. This wide array of software applications creates user management headaches.

Ri360 SSO may require additional license fees.

#6 Streamlined User Management Interface

Ri360 on-premise customers have a new HTML-based user administration interface. Application administrators can perform their tasks more quickly, including quering users based on abilities and data access.

#7 Streamlined Job Management Interface

Ri360 on-premise customers have a new HTML-based job administration interface. Starting, stopping, querying, and investigating Ri360’s busy batch jobs is now simple.